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Scroll down to save money and buy packages and proofreading services.

Our Teaching Hours are:

Monday: 8am - 7.30pm GMT

Tuesday: 8am - 7.30pm GMT

Wednesday: 8am - 6.30pm GMT

Thursday: 8am - 5pm GMT

Friday: 8am - 12pm GMT

Contact us at to request hours outside these times.

We will always accommodate requests when we can.

Proofreading & Editing - up to 2000 words
Proofreading & Editing - up to 3000 words
Proofreading & Editing - up to 4000 words
Proofreading & Editing - up to 5000 words
Full feedback & tips (Under 5000 words)
Proofreading & Editing - up to 6000 words
Proofreading & Editing - up to 7000 words
Proofreading & Editing - up to 8000 words
Proofreading & Editing - up to 9000 words
Proofreading & Editing - up to 10,000 words
Full feedback & tips (5000 - 10,000 words)